8 mins read

A Neighbor

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


She had been living next door to me for some time but we had never been formally introduced. We, of course, had said hi to each other when we passed but that was as far as it had gone. It was too bad too; she was very beautiful and I think we could have some fun together.

I am married for quite a few years; don’t really want to say how many because you might get an idea of my age. I don’t feel very old and most will tell you I’m a lot younger than I am. I do try to stay in shape and of course take care of my health. Anyway, just because I got married, they didn’t put blinders on me and I can still recognize beauty when I see it.

I have always been somewhat of a voyeur and since I had noticed that she spent much of her time alone I had taken to sort of watching her more than might be acceptable. It’s not that I’m a pervert but I will take advantage of a chance to see more of her. It’s been a couple of weeks since I started paying more attention and now I know when she will be arriving home from work and look forward to seeing her.

My upstairs bedroom is across from hers and I can sometimes see her shadow on the window shade when she is walking around. Tonight I made sure she saw me working in the front as she drove into the driveway. I said hi to her just in case. That way she knew I was way out front and not in the house. As soon as she went into the house I quickly run in also and went right upstairs to my bedroom.

I had my fingers crossed diyarbakır escort and sure enough she had left the curtains open and the shade was up. Maybe…yes, I could see that she was opening her blouse and I had a great view. Her blouse finally came off and I could see she wore a nice white lace bra. It is hard to tell from that distance how big her breasts were and I wish I could get closer. Tough to do from the second floor though! That’s OK, I will keep watching. Now she is taking off her skirt and I can see she wears midi-socks or stockings. Kind of sexy with her lacy bra and now I can see matching panties. This is getting better and better!

Now I can feel myself getting excited and a pressure is exerting itself on my pants too. Good thing I don’t wear underwear or it might be uncomfortable. As it is, my cock is slowly inching its way down my pant leg. I slowly rub it, enjoying the feel and the warmth. Ahhh, she is taking off her bra. Her breasts push outward as she reaches behind her to open the clasp. My breath catches as she lowers the bra away from her tits. Dam they’re lovely! Not too big, but then I don’t really like them too big. The shape is what matters most and hers are wonderfully shaped and her pert nipples are just right too! I can see from here that they are already hard and look like they get harder as she rubs her hands across them. I can see here paying special attention to her nipples and maybe even pinches escort diyarbakır them a little.

All too soon she walks out of my line of sight and I can’t see her anymore. I just stand there and wonder why I have been missing such a sight for so long. My cock is hard now and I have to open my zipper and let it out. It springs out and seems like it jumps into my hand. Dam watching her has me so excited!

I slowly stroke my hand up and down remembering the sight of her when I see the light downstairs in the back come on. I catch just a glimpse of her as she walks to the back door that leads to the porch in the back. I can swear she is now naked and I wonder…she wouldn’t would she? Dam, just heard the door close. She must be going to the hot tub. I know it’s there, but never really saw it since it sits behind a large trellis. I can’t stand it anymore; I have to see.

Running down the stairs I feel my cock bouncing. I forgot it was out. What the hell, I’m going out to spy on my neighbor naked in a hot tub. Why should I care if my dick is hanging out. In no time I am at the back door and slowly and carefully open it up. Can’t make any noise now or she’ll here. Good, not a sound as the door is closing. Now I might have a chance. Carefully, I’m slipping over towards the trellis. The yards are wide open here and I have to be careful. Good thing it is almost dark or someone might see me.

Finally, I’m at the back of her trellis diyarbakır escort bayan and looking for a good place to see through. Yep there is an open spot where I have a perfect view. There she is! Still sitting on the edge like she’s waiting for the water to warm. Just her legs are in the water and I have a great view of her now. She is even more beautiful from this close. It must be only 6 or 8 feet from where I am to the hot tub. Perfect view. She is slowly massaging her legs with the warm water and they glisten in the light coming through her windows. Her tits are shiny too and those nipples look like hard little points just begging to be touched.

Without even knowing what I have been doing, I realize I’ve been stroking my cock and I can feel the pre-cum leaking down over the head and it feels so good as it is spread evenly by my hand. Have to be careful, don’t want to cum too soon! As I am slowly stroking myself I can see that she has gotten further into the tub now and the water is just below her tits. There are wisps of steam coming up now and the water must surely be hot enough.

Oooohhh, she’s rubbing her tits now with one hand and the other appears to be busy between here legs. Getting harder here. I can see little waves moving across the water now and she is getting stiffer, leaning back and pinching her nipple while her arm moves faster. Now faster and faster as she is obviously getting close to her orgasm. Dam me too and without realizing it I just let out a groan. DAM. She heard me! She’s sitting there frozen and I can see here eyes searching for the source of that sound. Dam, dam, dam, how could I have been so stupid! Now I’m in trouble with no way out. What am I gonna do?

(to be continued) Do you know what is going to happen next?

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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