8 mins read

As God Intended Ch. 03

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Ch. 3: As God Intended

We had finally arrived on the 50th floor. No one harassed us after the two blondes from the mall did. And once we got to the shower floor I finally got to masturbate! The actual hairdresser was just another teenager, and the actual haircut was just a buzz thing. We were not happy about it, but there wasn’t really anything we could do. We were practically bald!

Then the teenager took us to another room where we showered and got all the loose hair off of us. We looked like boys…well, our hair did at least. After we toweled off, the teenager took our towels and led us through the weird office again to another probably college age girl with a white lab coat. Her name was also Mandi.

“All right ladies, I’m sure you are probably pretty overwhelmed with what’s been going on but let me tell you. This next part can be pretty nice. You need to let it be nice, but it will be nice.” She then explained about the bracelets, the nipple rings, the clit rings…and the mandatory masturbation rule.

“So for the first session you get some privacy, but from then on don’t expect much. Glory to god!” This was a very weird day.

We then each got little cubicles where we were instructed to masturbate ourselves. This was supposed to be for the bracelet robot, so it would know about our personal masturbation habits. I didn’t know what this was supposed to have to do with God, but I was so horny by then I practically slammed the door shut!

“Orgasm success…calibrating…done.”

The sound of the wrist robot voice woke me up. I was back in my body after being fatih esc in the kind of weird erotic dream state I had been in. I was in a chair in a small room. It was purple. I was naked and my crotch area was a little wet with some of my juice from masturbation still. I didn’t want to go back out to the rest of the teenagers and the stupid white coat girl, but I didn’t have much of a choice. I was naked, I had weird nipple and pussy sensors on me, and my hair was in an ugly buzz cut: I would probably attract attention out on the street! I laughed, and then tried to regain some composure and go out to find the others…

In my bed, I had finally been able to orgasm in peace. Since today is a holiday, I don’t have to go to school today. My stepsister said she was going to go to the mall, but she is still around. After she busted in, I could hear her making noise in the kitchen. Maybe if I wait a little more she’ll leave and I can have some naked breakfast in peace!…

After I found the rest of the girls, the computer administer lady checked our wrists to see that we’d actually orgasmed. She could have just looked at our faces or crotches probably. I could tell!

“Alright. I’ll get you gals some towels, and then you’ll be ready for the rest of your day!”

“What? When do we get to go home?”

“Oh pretty soon I guess. There is another group coming here to get set up, and then I think you are going with them to the school for a tour. Isn’t it exciting?”

“We just want to go home!”

“Well, almost. Here, I’ll walk you guys down to the lobby area.”

We waited sarıyer esc in the lobby area. I don’t know that I was really getting used to being naked in an office lobby, but the leather waiting couch felt really nice on my naked butt! I kind of dozed off. When I woke up, I realized I’d somehow nestled myself up against one of the other girls! It was really cozy, but I’m not a lesbian! I stood up right away. “What’s going on!?” “You looked so cozy, I just wanted to join you that’s all,” said Becca. She looked mad that I’d yelled at her. I was just surprised though, not angry. Sam (the other girl) just nervously shifted from one foot to the other.

Eventually the bus came and we went out into the sun to get on, along with another 4 girls. Seven naked teenagers, riding on a bus. Unfortunately the bus wasn’t really ready for us. “Just this first bench,” said the driver. “The other ones are being reupholstered. They are putting in some nice benches for your pretty butts!”

So we all sat on one bench! It was kind of nice, but really awkward. There were boobs and legs everywhere!…

Relaxing in my bed, I couldn’t hear my stepsister. Maybe she had finally gone to the mall! I didn’t hear her as I got out of the bed, and padded down the hall. I still had my puppy slippers. The rest of my clothes “were in a safe place.” My parents told me they were supposed to hide them so I wouldn’t be tempted to wear anything while I was adjusting to the new school “uniform.”

I decided I’d have some breakfast and try to watch some TV. I went downstairs and got a bagel and some cream escort kız ümraniye cheese. Nothing really on TV. Luckily my parents have Netflix. I started some cheesy anime show about boarding school. There are a lot of fights on that show. Maybe it was just because it was so relaxing being by myself, or maybe it was the gentle rays of sun wafting in, but I started to drift off to sleep again. The partly eaten bagel just resting on my naked abdomen. The cream cheese started to melt as I drifted off…

The ride in the bus took longer than I thought. I guess you couldn’t really have a naked school in the city though. The ride was mostly smooth, but I was really starting to enjoy sitting with Samantha and Becca…too much. I could tell I was getting aroused! I don’t know what it was, I had heard that boys got aroused on busses because of all the bumps but that never made any sense to me. I tried to just pretend I was asleep, but pretty soon my nipples were really on fire and I could see them start to wake up. I was starting to get nervous, and I could feel my cheeks start to get red. When would we get there!? “…”Warning. You are aroused. Please masturbate to orgasm!” “Rema! Again?” “That’s not me” I said.

It was actually coming from one of the new girls. They were all clustered on one side of the bench, and we were on the other. “It’s one of those girls!” “Ew! Don’t masturbate on us!” There was a commotion as they kind of pushed her off of the bench. She was just kind of hunched over in front of us. She was all naked and sweaty looking. She looked really embarrassed. Something…”Warning! You are aroused. Please masturbate to orgasm!” That was you Rema! That was me…

On the couch in the living room, the show flicked on to the next episode…meanwhile, someone had arrived home from the mall. She wasn’t alone.

End of Chapter 3.

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