7 mins read

A Little “O”

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Female Ejaculation

The first time that I experienced an orgasm with my husband, it started off as a normal date and should have resulted in a normal good night, however this time it was enjoyably different.

We had gone to a baseball game for our date. I wore my typical mini skirt with a form fitting t-shirt, sneakers and light blue nylon bikini panties.

It was a beautiful summer evening and we sat in the bleachers simply because it was the least expensive. During the course of the game we consumed a few more beers than we normally would particularly since I was only 19 at the time. The additional alcohol in my system resulted in me being a little more uninhibited than I normally would have been in a public setting. I was having such a good time that I wasn’t particularly careful about how my legs were positioned during the final innings. I could tell by the looks from the people sitting below me that my light blue panties were being seen quite regularly. At least they were part of our team’s colors.

I would constantly point my knees towards my husband on the bench style seats and move my legs apart as I talked and joked with him, allowing him to get regular looks up my skirt as well. I was quite naïve about how this sort of behavior can affect a young man. I was feeling so care free that when out team won, I stood up on the bench and did a happy dance giving everyone in the vicinity a nice view of my legs and those sitting lower down easily saw up my skirt.

It just diyarbakır escort didn’t matter to me. I was having so much fun.

We walked back to the car holding hands and on the way home I sat as close as the seats would allow with my hand on my husband’s leg. My husband had an old Ford at the time with bench seats, so we could get pretty close.

When we pulled up outside my house, the lights inside were out, so I felt safe sitting in the car for a while. We started to kiss and hug each other, which soon turned to some roaming hands on each other’s clothing. As we pressed our bodies together, my husband reached around my back and pulled my mini above my panties. Normally at this stage in our dating, I would have reacted negatively to his forwardness. I loved flashing my panties at him, but had never had him take the initiative to expose them. The combination of the alcohol and my rising passion (or shall we call it horniness), resulted in my acceptance of his initiative. I pressed my light blue nylon panties into his summer weight khaki’s and immediately felt his erection through his pants. I directed my body so my groin was pressing directly on it. Feeling this pliable but firm ridge pressed against my opening lips with just a thin layer of nylon between was pure ecstasy for me. We quickly got into a rhythm of pushing and rubbing ourselves on each other.

I didn’t have much experience with a male’s excitability, but could tell by escort diyarbakır my husband’s quick breaths that something was going on. I could feel his erection pulsing through my nylon panties as I found myself approaching the edge. It seems that the alcohol had made me more sensitive as opposed to less. I had never experienced anything near to an orgasm with another person and found myself embarrassed that I was getting so excited. It seems that my embarrassment was only above my shoulders as those parts of me below my waist continued to press against my husband and grind against his delectable cloth covered railing.

As we continued kissing more and more passionately and rubbing ourselves in an attempt to ignite our sexual fires, my husband again moved his hands down my back and grabbed my bottom with both hands squeezing…hard. It seems that this was the last bit of kindling required to light our blaze as we both tensed and simultaneously convulsed in orgasmic pleasure. I buried my face into his shoulder to muffle my moans so they sounded like little squeaks as the air escaped from my closed lips. I did not want to have him know that I was having an orgasm. I guess I hadn’t completely broken away from my strict religious upbringing. Showing my panties off was an act of rebellion, whereas having an orgasm while grinding against a male’s erection was inappropriate and disgraceful. God, it felt so good. My husband let out a loud exhale along diyarbakır escort bayan with a groan of pure sexual release as his body shook. Feeling him convulse against my panties was beyond anything that I could imagine at the time. I pressed myself as tightly against him as I could and continued to let out my little squeaks of forbidden enjoyment.

When it was over and I slid back to my side of the car, I noticed the huge wet spot on my husband’s pants. My mind literally went, “Oh my God. He wet himself” I told you that I had very little experience.

I offered to let him come inside so he could clean up and as we walked to the door of my house I noticed that the lights were back on. It seems that two of my sisters had come home while we were lighting fires and then dousing them in the car. My husband untucked his shirt so the tails covered his expanding wet spot and walked quickly into the bathroom. When he came out my sisters were sitting with me and talking. I was quite impressed on how well he did acting as if nothing had happened.

Soon after he left to go home and I headed up to bed. Neither one of us had talked about what happened and never mentioned it for quite a while after. It seemed that we were both embarrassed to admit our sexual excitement as well as our inability to control it. I was awake for a long time that night replaying what had happened and feeling the contradictory emotions of shame and exhilaration. I really wanted to know what it looked like when he got excited and more importantly when he came, but my mind continuously scolded me for having such lowly desires.

I now had another and more challenging step to take in my sexual awakening. I needed to allow myself to be comfortable with who I was and the feelings that I was having.

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